Web Wise Women

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Web Wise Women

I recently visited a wonderful spa in Texas (the Lake Austin Spa, www.lakeaustinspa.com) and met some incredible women. I expected big hair and lots of makeup (this WAS Texas after all :-)). Instead I found a group of wonderfully diverse women, looking to get away from the pressures of everyday life, especially their technology-related jobs.

I had forgotten how wonderful women can be when they let their hair down and share their thoughts, dreams and support. I had also forgotten how hard it is to break away and find other women like us.

I created this blog as a place where women like this can share their thoughts with others. To protect everyone's security and privacy and to prevent the kinds of posts that too often attack women and others online, we will only allow registered women to post. Anyone who wants to be a part of this should e-mail me directly at parry@aftab.com. We will need to authenicate the identities of any potential blog members, but will protect everyone's privacy by using this information only for blog registration, authentication and compliance. Anyone else who wants to submit a comment can send it to me and, if we decide to post it, can have it posted anonymously without being a blog member. Members can authenticate other members.

Anything from dieting and romance, to travel issues, health, policy and life issues will be fair game. The only parameters are posts that could help others or provide insight to our lives as women.

wanna play? drop me an e-mail.



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